2024-11 Public Report


  • November 21st: The link between Pajala - Rantajärvi was down due to several fiber breaks on the stretch. The fiber is now fully restored.
  • November 20th: The link between Kalmar and Norrköping was down after a planned maintenance due to a failing amplifier. The amplifier has now been replaced and calibrated, and the link is up and stable.
  • November 15th: We observed an 'Equipment Removed' alarm in the ADVA optical node FSN2, Shelf-1. The alarm was caused by a faulty NCU. We replaced the NCU, and the optical node is now free of alarms.
  • November 15th: Following the planned maintenance by the provider on SUNET-1738, the link to CPE gbg-c1 remained down. The provider has identified and resolved the issue.
  • November 11th: We were experiencing routing issues within SUNET affecting traffic towards to external peers. The root cause has been identified and mitigation is deployed on the affected routers.
  • November 6th: SUNET users in southern Sweden may have had intermittent international routing issues from 12:08 to 12:30 UTC. Traffic within SUNET was unaffected.
  • November 6th: The link between Kiruna and Gällivare was down due to a fiber break in the aerial infrastructure. The provider has temporarily resolved the issue by moving our connection to another fiber pair. Once the original fault is repaired, the fiber will be moved back during a planned maintenance window.
  • November 5th: The links between Kåbdalis - Jokkmokk and Kåbdalis - Arvidsjaur went down due to power maintenance in Kåbdalis.
  • November 4th: The link between Stockholm - Umeå went down due to software related issue on router in Stockholm.


  • November 29th: SUNET performed an emergency software upgrade on the router kir5-r11.
  • November 29th: We upgraded the routers du-r21 and kau-r21. 
  • November 28th: We upgraded the software on miun-r21, kth-r22 and hv-r21. 
  • November 27th: We upgraded the software on the routers bth-r21, hig-r21 and hsd-r11. 
  • November 26th: Provider planned to perform a fiber maintenance in Sattajärvi. However, the issue they were planning to repair had been fixed after an outage on the same fiber a few weeks back. There was therefore no intervention on the fiber at this time.
  • November 25th: Provider performed fiber maintenance in Västerås that affected the link between Västerås - Stockholm.
  • November 22nd: SUNET deployed an emergency configuration change on the core routers cth-r21, hb-r22, bth-r22 and dco-r11.
  • November 21st: We applied software configuration changes on the following routers: su-r21, mdu-r22, ltu-r21, lnu-v-r22 and kau-r22.
  • November 20th: New configuration were applied to the following routers, his-r22, hj-r21, lnu-k-r22, lu-r22 and oru-r22.
  • November 20th: We applied configuration changes on the routers hv-r22, kmr88-r11, liu-r22 and lnu-v-r21.
  • November 19th: Provider performed circuit rerouting at Överum and Simpevarp. Troubleshooting will continue in SUNET-1806.
  • November 19th: SUNET will deploy an emergency configuration change on the core routers in Stockholm and Karlskrona.
  • November 19th: The router gbg7-r11 was upgraded and updated with new configuration.
  • November 19th: We applied new configuration on the routers mau-r22, hig-r22 and hkr-r22.
  • November 19th: SUNET deploy active live monitoring units for all fiber stretches on the circuit going through Nordmaling.
  • November 19th: The routers gu-r22, hh-r21 and his-r21 were updated with new configuration.
  • November 18th: The routers ske109-r11, lla1-r11 and jkg-r11 were updated with new configuration.
  • November 18th: The routers gu-r21, hj-r22 and oru-r21 were updated with new configuration. oru-r21 was also upgraded with new software.
  • November 18th: The router cth-r22 and du-r22 was updated with new configuration.
  • November 18th: Migration complete, traffic was moved from SUNET-C routers to SUNET-CD.
  • November 18th: The router kir3-r12 was upgraded to a newer software release.
  • November 18th: SUNET deployed active live monitoring units for all fiber stretches on the circuit going through Litslena.
  • November 17th: Provider performed cable work in Karlskrona. This affected the IP-VPN connection for RISE Blåportsgatan 7a Karlskrona.
  • November 15th: The SUNET router sva-r11 was upgraded to a newer software release.
  • November 15th: The router fsn2-r11 was upgraded to a newer software release.
  • November 15th: New configuration was added to the routers in Växjö, Norrköping, Kiruna, Karlstad and Kalix.
  • November 14th: Provider performed fiber maintenance, but after the maintenance window ended, the CPE gbg-c1 in Göteborg was unreachable. The issue has now been resolved.
  • November 14th: SUNET deployed an emergency configuration change on the core routers in Falun, Kalmar, Trollhättan and Kristianstad. 
  • November 14th: We applied software configuration changes on kth-r21, mau-r21, su-r22. uu-r22 and lba-r11. 
  • November 12th: Provider performed repair of fiber cable at Hjälta due to previous damage.
  • November 11th: SUNET partially migrated the NETNOD IX in Stockholm to SUNET-CD. The connection in STHB is migrated. The connection in TUG will be performed later.
  • November 10th: Provider performed fiber maintenance in Sundsvall. No outage observed.
  • November 7th: The routers sthb-r11 and ume8-r11 were upgraded, and we applied new configuration to match.
  • November 7th: SUNET performed software configuration changes on umu-r22 and ltu-r22. 
  • November 7th: SUNET performed a planned maintenance to deploy active live monitoring units for all fiber stretches on the circuit going through Jössefors.
  • November 6th: Supplier performed cable maintenance in Uddevalla.
  • November 6th: SUNET moved the equipment to a new rack.
  • November 5th: SUNET & MIUN completed the migration over to SUNET-CD.
  • November 5th: SUNET performed a planned maintenance to deploy active live monitoring units for all fiber stretches on the circuit going through Mellerud.
  • November 5th: SUNET performed a planned maintenance to deploy active live monitoring units for all fiber stretches on the circuit going through Bergkvara.
Hardware1 pcs0 pcs1 pcs
Link7 pcs 5d 16:1317 pcs 1d 12:2524 pcs 7d 04:38
Other0 pcs0 pcs0 pcs
Routing1 pcs14 pcs 18:5315 pcs 18:53
Software0 pcs14 pcs 18:5314 pcs 18:53
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