Sunet Identity Provider Service Definition and Privacy Policy

General description of Sunet Identity Provider

The service includes authentication of employees and other staff at Sunet, as well as attribute transfer regarding the authenticated user. Sunet is a member of SWAMID, the Swedish identity federation for research and higher education. The identity publisher is set up in accordance with policy and other rules and guidelines established by SWAMID.

Policy for personal integrity

Sunet's identity publisher performs authentication on behalf of users active at Sunet. The users are responsible for which services they need to connect to in order to carry out their work at Sunet. Regardless of the service in question, the purpose of the service and the relationship the service has with Sunet, a standard set of personal data (a unique identifier, name, e-mail address and that you are active at Sunet) is delivered to the service. This procedure follows the intentions of the Swedish personal data protection legislation.

The service and limitations of service

Sunet guarantees an availability of the service that is in line with Sunet's requirements and expectations. Sunet's identity issuer transmits a defined set of attributes according to the privacy policy above.

Service desk

For questions and error reports regarding Sunet and its SAML2 WebSSO service, please refer to the e-mail address

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