Versions Compared


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ADFSToolkit’s Module uses the PowerShell Gallery tool command ‘Update-Module’ to manage delivery of updates.   Sites using ADFSToolkit are strongly encouraged to have a test system to review changes between versions.   In cases where there is no test system, a snapshot/backup of their environment is strongly recommended

Before running the Update-Module command, it is strongly recommended to back up the configuration directory of the module and the C:\ADFSToolkit directory. 


. Note that some updates may require removing the cache files and run again completely to apply new features. Updates that require this will be flagged as such in the release notes. It is up to the site operator to determine when to do this and to allow for sufficient time to recalculate the new improved settings. ADFSToolkit is designed to be idempotent in it’s operation – no matter how many times it is run, the resulting set will be the same which. The process to handle an update of ADFSToolkit is to:

  • Back up the C:\ADFSToolkit directory
  • Create a system snapshot/recovery point to return to
  • Disable/suspend the ADFSToolkit scheduled job
  • Issue ‘Update-Module ADFSToolkit’
    • When Update-Module is run, it will attempt to detect if there is a newer version available from and download it


    • .
    • Note that each module is downloaded into it’s own directory containing the version number of the script. ADFSToolkit will not run properly with more than one


    • version available so once the new version is confirmed on disk and available, we recommend moving the older version out of the PowerShell path so that only the latest version is available.
  • Migrate existing configuration file and related cache files
    • Is possible but if you hand edited the settings before, you need to re-apply the changes after migrating the configuration to the new format. There are two ways to do this
      • Create the configuration as if they are new hand entering old answers
      • Taking advantage of the pipelining features of New-ADFSTkConfiguration which can ingest your existing configuration and fetch many of the existing settings and bring them into the new format. You still need to inspect for any hand edits to be applied however.

Example of pipelining your old configuration into the new is below:

"C:\ADFSToolkit\\config\config.CAF.xml" | New-ADFSTkConfiguration

Once you have completed the review of the settings in configurations from the old configuration to the new configuration you can continue.

  • Determining migrating caches from old to new is required.
    • A sub-directory called ‘\cache’ in the live ADFSToolkit home is used to track changes in metadata and save time re-calculating entity records in ADFS.
    • It is possible to copy the cache from the old version to the new one to preserve current processing status and usually is possible.
  • If there are major changes in how ADFSToolkit processes records it may be worthwhile to permit ADFSToolkit to recalculate everything again. This is done by NOT moving the old cache files over but the consequence is that all records will be refreshed and overwritten using the new logic. This may be desireable depending on the changes available in the new version.
  • Migrate Site specific overrides
    • The file c:\ADFSToolkit\#.#.#.#\get-ADFSTkLocalManualSpSettings.ps1 contains all your local settings. Review the release notes and if no instructions are offered, simply copying the file from the old version to the new one is sufficient.
      • If you do not copy this file into the newly created folder with the latest verion of ADFSToolkit job, all your settings for existing entities will be removed.
  • Resuming synchronization of Metadata
    • Once manual operation has been validated, you have to manually edit the ADFSToolkit scheduled job to point it to the new location of the sync-ADFSTkAggregates.ps1.
    • The ADFSToolkit job can be resumed in the Microsoft Job Scheduler and your migration considered complete.

At this time, the process to handle an update is to:

  • Back up your system
  • Create a snapshot/recovery point to return to
  • Disable/suspend the ADFSToolkit scheduled job
  • Issue ‘Update-Module ADFSToolkit’
  • Copy necessary configuration from old location to new
  • Review path settings in configurations from old ADFSToolkit
  • Inspect what was updated
  • Manually run c:\ADFSToolkit\sync-ADFSTkAggregates.ps1
  • Resume ADFSToolkit job once the manual run results in expected behaviour