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SWAMIDs policyramverk genomgår den tredje större översynen sedan SWAMID första policy skrevs 2006. Målet med denna översyn är primärt att förtydliga, förenkla och sist men inte minst öppna upp för fler inloggningsmetoder än lösenord. Policyöversynens grundförutsättning är att ingen som idag är godkänd enligt nuvarande tillitsramverk inkl. tillitsprofiler behöver gå igenom ny godkännandeprocess förutom för den nya tillitsprofilen SWAMID AL3.

Översynen genomförs av SWAMID Operations men alla medlemsorganisationer och anslutna tjänster kommer att kunna kommentera och föreslå förändringar i flera s.k. Community Consensus Processes. Denna process innebär att SWAMID Operations skickar ut ett eller flera av policydokumenten för påsyn och kommentarer. Därefter kommer SWAMID Operations kommer bjuda in till presentations- och diskussionsmöten. Det går även att skicka kommentarer till e-postlistan saml-admins eller direkt till SWAMID Operations.

Aktuell status

PolicydokumentDatumAktuell statusKommentar
SWAMID Federation Policy2020-06-15BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 1 Profile2020-06-15BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 2 Profile2020-06-15BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 3 Profile2020-06-15BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 1
Ersätter Person-Proofed Multi-Factor with high identity assurance.
SWAMID Incident Management Process2021-04-03BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 2
SWAMID Community Consultation Process2021-05-06BeslutadCommunity Consensus Process 3
SWAMID SAML WebSSO Technology Profile2021-0112-1510BeslutadCommunity Consultation Process 4Uppdatering påbörjad
SWAMID eduroam Technology Profile
Ej påbörjad



SWAMID's policy framework is undergoing the third major review since SWAMID's first policy was written in 2006. The goal of this review is primarily to clarify, simplify and last but not least to open up more login methods than passwords. The basic premise of the policy review is that no one who is currently approved according to the current assurance framework incl. assurance profiles need to go through a new approval process except for the new assurance profile SWAMID AL3.

The review is being carried out by SWAMID Operations, but all member organisations and affiliated services will be able to comment on and propose changes in several Community Consensus Processes. This process means that SWAMID Operations sends out one or more of the policy documents for review and comment. Subsequently, SWAMID Operations will invite you to presentation and discussion meetings. You can also send comments to the mailing list saml-admins or directly to SWAMID Operations.

Current status

Policy DocumentDateCurrent statusComment
SWAMID Federation Policy2020-06-15FinalCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 1 Profile2020-06-15FinalCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 2 Profile2020-06-15FinalCommunity Consensus Process 1
SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 3 Profile2020-06-15FinalCommunity Consensus Process 1
Replaces  Person-Proofed Multi-Factor with high identity assurance.
SWAMID Incident Management Process2021-04-03FinalCommunity Consensus Process 2
SWAMID Community Consultation Process2021-05-06FinalCommunity Consensus Process 3
SWAMID SAML WebSSO Technology Profile2021-0112-1510FinalCommunity Consultation Process 4Update started
SWAMID eduroam Technology Profile
Not started
