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AttributSAML2 Attribute IdentifierWithout enitity categoryGÉANT CoCoREFEDS R&SSWAMID R&E

SWAMID SFS-1993-1153

titleRelease only if required attributes

Release attribute "only if requested and required" in metadata1

titleWill be deprecated

This entity category is under process to be deprecated and will in the future be replaced with REFEDS R&S or GÉANT CoCo depending on service.

titleWill be deprecated

This entity category is under process to be deprecated and will in the future be replaced with GÉANT CoCo.

 SWAMID R&E is used in pair with one of the entity categories SWAMID EU-Adequate-Protection, SWAMID NREN-Service and SWAMID HEI-ServiceRelease only for only for users with a Swedish personal identity number (sv. personnummer), a Swedish co-ordination number (sv. samordningsnummer) or a organisational student interim identity number (sv. interimspersonnummer)
transientIdSAML2 NameIDxxxxx

eduPersonPrincipalNameurn:oid: xxx 
eduPersonUniqueID3urn:oid: xxx 
eduPersonOrcidurn:oid: o 
norEduPersonNINurn:oid: o4
personalIdentityNumberurn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13 o4
mailurn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 xxx 
displayNameurn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 xxx 
cn (commonName)urn:oid: x x 
givenNameurn:oid: xxx 
sn (surname)urn:oid: xxx 
eduPersonAssuranceurn:oid: x xx
eduPersonScopedAffiliationurn:oid: x x 
eduPersonAffiliationurn:oid: x   
o (organizationName)urn:oid: x x 
norEduOrgAcronymurn:oid: x x 
c (countryName)urn:oid: x x 
friendlyCountryNameurn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.43 x x 
schacHomeOrganizationurn:oid: x x 
schacHomeOrganizationTypeurn:oid: x   
