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Candidates for the REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category are Service Providers that have a proven need to receive a small set of personally identifiable information about their users in order to effectively provide their service to the user or to enable the user to signal their identity to other users within the service. The Service Provider must be able to effectively demonstrate this need to their registrar and demonstrate their compliance with regulatory requirements concerning personal data through a published Privacy Notice.

Please note that the REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category was published at the end of 2021 and therefore not so many Identity Providers has support for it yet. SWAMID recommends that you complement the REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category with the entity category GÉANT Dataprotection Data Protection Code of Conduct until end of 2023 to get the expected attribute release.


The expected Identity Provider behaviour is to release to the Service Provider a predefined set of attributes (subject-id, email, displayName, surname, given name, scoped affiliation identity assurance. Service Providers signals their use need of Personalized Access Entity Category via an entity category tag in metadata. There is furthermore an identity provider entity support category that should be registered for all Identity Providers that supports the Personalized Access Entity Category.

For REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category there is a formal requirement that the service shall publish a public Privacy Policy. SWAMID have published a Service Provider Privacy Policy Template for GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct that can be used except for the requirement for the last sectionmention the GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct.

Expected attribute release from an Identity Provider


  • Purpose and scope of the service.
  • Documentation which proves that the service has fulfilled all the requirements for REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category if it isn't defined by purpose and scope of the service.
    • The service has a proven and documented need for the personally identifiable information that forms the attribute bundle for this entity category.
    • The Service Provider has committed to data minimisation and will not use the attributes for purposes other than as described in their application.

Unless The entity category has the following is already published in current service metadata, the metadata update request must containmetadata requirements:

  • Well functional SAML2 metadata for the service with an entityid in URL-form.
  • Display name for the Service in English and preferable also in Swedish for use in Identity Providers' login pages and Discovery Services.
  • Short description of the Service in English and preferable also in Swedish for use in Identity Providers' login pages and Discovery Services.
  • Administrative and technical contact for the service and it's recommended that support and security contact is also given.
  • Formal organisation name of the organisation delivering the service.
  • URL to the organisation delivering the service.
  • URL to an informational web page that describes the service in English and preferable also in Swedish.
  • URL to a web page with the service privacy policy in English and preferable also in Swedish, a privacy policy example template: SWAMID Service Provider Privacy Policy Template. Please remove the section about GÉANT Dataprotection Code of Conduct if you use the Privacy Policy Tamplate.

The request is highly recommended to also have the following information for metadata publication:


Besides the formal requirements and recommendations of REFEDS R&S REFEDS Personalized Access Entity Category are Service Providers it is highly recommended that the service also adheres to the REFEDS Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity (Sirtfi).


The expected IdP behaviour is to release to the Service Provider a predefined set of R&S Category Attributes (eptid, eppn, email, displayName, surname, given name and scoped affiliation plus the SWAMID addons eduPersonUniqueID and eduPersonAssurance). Service Providers signals their use need of R&S via an entity category tag in metadata. There is furthermore an identity provider entity support category that should be registered for all Identity Providers that supports the R&S entity category and this can be used for filter purpose in a discovery service.


For REFEDS Research and Scholarship there is no formal requirement that the service shall publish a public Privacy Policy. However all services that are registered in SWAMID must have a Privacy Policy to inform end users about how personal data are processed. SWAMID have published a Service Provider Privacy Policy Template for GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct that can be used except for the last sectionmention the GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct.

Expected attribute release from an Identity Provider


  • Well functional SAML2 metadata for the service with an entityid in URL-form.
  • Display name for the Service in English and preferable also in Swedish for use in Identity Providers' login pages and Discovery Services.
  • Short description of the Service in English and preferable also in Swedish for use in Identity Providers' login pages and Discovery Services.
  • Administrative and technical contact for the service and it's recommended that support and security contact is also given.
  • Formal organisation name of the organisation delivering the service.
  • URL to the organisation delivering the service.
  • URL to an informational web page that describes the service in English and preferable also in Swedish.
  • URL to a web page with the service privacy policy in English and preferable also in Swedish, a privacy policy example template: SWAMID Service Provider Privacy Policy Template. Please remove the section about GÉANT Dataprotection Code of Conduct if you use the Privacy Policy Tamplate.

The request is highly recommended to also have the following information for metadata publication:


Besides the formal requirements and recommendations of REFEDS R&S it is highly recommended that the service also adheres to the REFEDS Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity (Sirtfi).



Data Protection Code of Conduct


Multivalued attributes that have different values for different services shall not be requested via metadata, examples of such attributes are eduPersonEntitlement, norEduPersonLIN and schacPersonalUniqueCode. The reason for this is that an Identity Provider may unintensional release sensitive information to services that are not eligable for these values. SWAMID recommends member Identity Providers to not release this type of attributes based on reqeusted attributes in metadata.

Process for applying for tagging a service with entity category GÉANT


Data Protection Code of Conduct

For a service to be tagged with GÉANT Dataprotection Data Protection Code of Conduct it must contact the federation that it has registered with. If the service is registered within the SWAMID federation the service operator sends an e-mail to with a formal request that contains the information below. Upon receiving the request SWAMID operations will respond within two weeks.
