Entity categories is used for data release minimization and scalable attribute release from an Identity Provider within SWAMID to a Service Provider in SWAMID and/or eduGAIN.

If an owner of a Service and the Identity Provider Home Organisation has a bilateral agreement the attribute release can be extended with additional attributes based on the agreement.

Attribute release based on entity categories

x - Attribute is released if it's available in the Home Organisation Identity Provider.
o - Attribute is released only if requested and required in the metadata for the service and if it's available in the Home Organisation Identity Provider.

AttributSAML2 Attribute IdentifierWithout enitity categoryGÉANT CoCoREFEDS R&SSWAMID R&E

SWAMID SFS-1993-1153

Attribute released "only if requested and required" in metadata1

This entity category is under process to be deprecated and will in the future be replaced with REFEDS R&S or GÉANT CoCo depending on service.

SWAMID R&E is used in pair with one of the entity categories SWAMID EU-Adequate-Protection, SWAMID NREN-Service and SWAMID HEI-Service

This entity category is under process to be deprecated and will in the future be replaced with GÉANT CoCo.

Attributes released only for users with a Swedish personal identity number (sv. personnummer), a Swedish co-ordination number (sv. samordningsnummer) or a organisational student interim identity number (sv. interimspersonnummer)

transientIdSAML2 NameIDxxxxx

eduPersonPrincipalNameurn:oid: oxx 
eduPersonUniqueID3urn:oid: oxx 
eduPersonOrcidurn:oid: o 
norEduPersonNINurn:oid: o4
personalIdentityNumberurn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13 o4
mailurn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 oxx 
displayNameurn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 oxx 
cn (commonName)urn:oid: o x 
givenNameurn:oid: oxx 
sn (surname)urn:oid: oxx 
eduPersonAssuranceurn:oid: oxxx
eduPersonScopedAffiliationurn:oid: oxx 
eduPersonAffiliationurn:oid: o   
o (organizationName)urn:oid: o x 
norEduOrgAcronymurn:oid: o x 
c (countryName)urn:oid: o x 
co (friendlyCountryName)eurn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.43 o x 
schacHomeOrganizationurn:oid: o x 
schacHomeOrganizationTypeurn:oid: o   

1 The entity category GÉANT Code of Conduct does not have a specific attribute bundle. Instead of an attribute bundle it uses attribute request in metadata for specific required attributes.

2 eduPersonTargetedID should only be released in with the entity category REFEDS Research & Scholarship if eduPersonPrincipalName is reassignable.

3 eduPersonUniqueID must be a long term unique identifier that will not be reused. If eduPersonPrincipalName is non-reassignable then eduPersonUniqueID can have the same value as eduPersonPrincipalName.

4 norEduPersonNIN and personalIdentityNumber shall only be released when required by entities registered with in SWAMID (registrationAuthority="http://www.swamid.se/"). personalIdentityNumber must only contain Swedish Personal Numbers or Swedish Co-ordination Numbers. norEduPersonNIN can besides  Swedish Personal Numbers or Swedish Co-ordination Numbers also contain Interim Personal Numbers from the student documentation system Ladok and the Swedish national study enrolment system.

URI for all entity categories used within SWAMID

Entity categoryUnique identifier
GÉANT CoCohttp://www.geant.net/uri/dataprotection-code-of-conduct/v1
REFEDS R&Shttp://refeds.org/category/research-and-scholarship
SWAMID R&Ehttp://www.swamid.se/category/research-and-education
SWAMID SFS-1993-1153http://www.swamid.se/category/sfs-1993-1153
SWAMID EU-Adequate-Protectionhttp://www.swamid.se/category/eu-adequate-protection
SWAMID NREN-Servicehttp://www.swamid.se/category/nren-service
SWAMID HEI-Servicehttp://www.swamid.se/category/hei-service


URI for all assurance profiles used within SWAMID

EntitetskategoriUnik identifierare
SWAMID AL1http://www.swamid.se/policy/assurance/al1
SWAMID AL2http://www.swamid.se/policy/assurance/al2
REFEDS SIRTFIhttps://refeds.org/sirtfi