The Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity från REFEDS, förkortat SIRTFI, är en ny internationell säkerhetsprofil för Best Current Practice. SIRTFI ersätter den tidigare IdM-checklistan som SWAMID tog fram tillsammans med SUSEC i samband med SWAMID 2.0. Både identitetsutgivare (IdP) och tjänster (SP) kan deklarera att de följer REFEDS SIRTFI.

Lärosäten, och andra medlemmar, som uppfyller SWAMID AL1 och SWAMID AL2 för sin identitetsutgivare uppfyller de flesta av kraven i SIRTFI. Främst behöver de säkerställa att de uppfyller de operativa kraven i profilen samt att de har rutiner på plats för incidenthantering och -rapportering innan de meddelar SWAMID Operations att de uppfyller SIRTFIs profil. Tillsammans med begäran om att bli markerade med SIRTFI i metadata måste en e-postadress till säkerhetskontakt skickas med.

SWAMID Board of Trustees, styrgruppen för SWAMID, rekommenderar starkt federationens medlemmar att använda säkerhetsprofilen REFEDS SIRTFI!

För mer information REFEDS SIRTFI se

Vilka krav ska uppfyllas?

Kraven i SIRTFI är uppdelade i fyra avsnitt. Varje krav har en benämning som står inom hakparanteser.

Operativ säkerhet

[OS1] Security patches in operating system and application software are applied in a timely manner.

[OS2] A process is used to manage vulnerabilities in software operated by the organisation.

[OS3] Mechanisms are deployed to detect possible intrusions and protect information systems from significant and immediate threats.

[OS4] A user’s access rights can be suspended, modified or terminated in a timely manner.

[OS5] Users and Service Owners (as defined by ITIL) within the organisation can be contacted.

[OS6] A security incident response capability exists within the organisation with sufficient authority to mitigate, contain the spread of, and remediate the effects of a security incident.


[IR1] Provide security incident response contact information as may be requested by an R&E federation to which your organization belongs.

[IR2] Respond to requests for assistance with a security incident from other organisations participating in the Sirtfi trust framework in a timely manner.

[IR3] Be able and willing to collaborate in the management of a security incident with affected organisations that participate in the Sirtfi trustframework.

[IR4] Follow security incident response procedures established for the organisation.

[IR5] Respect user privacy as determined by the organisations policies or legal counsel.

[IR6] Respect and use the Traffic Light Protocol [TLP] information disclosure policy


[TR1] Relevant system generated information, including accurate timestamps and identifiers of system components and actors, are retained and available for use in security incident response procedures.

[TR2] Information attested to in [TR1] is retained in conformance with the organisation’s security incident response policy or practices.

Identitetsutgivares skyldigheter

[PR1] The participant has an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

[PR2] There is a process to ensure that all users are aware of and accept the
requirement to abide by the AUP, for example during a registration or renewal process