SWAMID does not offer support for SP or IdP software. The SWAMID operations team make recommendations based on our own experience. Such recommendations are not mandatory operational requirements.

Implementation profiles

The SWAMID WebSSO technology profile is based on saml2int. In order to support this deployment profile the software must be implemented to a matching implementation profile. Sometimes such an implementation profile is advertised and sometimes the customer buys a set of components that requires qualified support and implementation (often in the form of a managed service or a consultant service). The most closely matched implementation profile that matches saml2int is eGovt 2.0. The previous versions of eGovt are not closely related to saml2int.

Choosing software

Here are some advise based on the SWAMID operations team experience with deploying applications with federated identity.

Software known to work

The following identity provider and service provider software works well with SWAMID if correctly configured. If you want to add your software to the list please contact operations@swamid.se and be prepared to demonstrate that your software or service works well with SWAMID. This is not a full list by any means, it only represents the list of software with which there is experience in the SWAMID operations team.

The SWAMID operations team currently has most experience working with Shibboleth but all of the above are know to work if configured correctly which may be a more or less difficult task. The main opensource options (Shibboleth and SSP) are mostly correctly configured by default requiring only attribute definitions and metadata feeds to interoperate well with SWAMID.