Versions Compared


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The latest documentation for installation and upgrading can always be found here:

Update Procedure

Image Added

  1. Get-ADFSTkHealth -HealthCheckMode Full
  3. Copy-Item -Path C:\ADFSToolkit -Destination "C:\ADFSToolkit - 2.2.1 before upgrade 2.3.0" -Recurse
  4. Update-Module ADFSToolkit
  5. Get-InstalledModule ADFSToolkit -AllVersions
  6. Uninstall-Module ADFSToolkit -RequiredVersion 2.2.1
  7. Disable-ADFSTkInstitutionConfiguration
    We do this so no imports are run untill we’re certain that everything looks good
    Get-ADFSTkFederationDefaults -URL -InstallDefaults
  8. Update-ADFSTk
    This new cmdlet will take care of all configuration updates, including Federation Defaults, ADFSTk Config and ADFSTk Institution config(s)
    If you have ADFSTkStore or ADFSTkRefedsMFA/ADFSTkRefedsSFA installed, you will be asked to upgrade them if needed.
    If you don’t have F-ticks installed you will be asked to install it.
  9. $ReleaseCheckSPs = Get-ADFSTkToolEntityId -Search | Select -ExpandProperty Identifier
    $i = 0
    foreach ($ReleaseCheckSP in $ReleaseCheckSPs) {
        Write-Host "Importing '$ReleaseCheckSP'... ($i/$($ReleaseCheckSPs.Count))" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Import-ADFSTkMetadata -ConfigFile C:\ADFSToolkit\config\institution\config.Swamid.xml -EntityId $ReleaseCheckSP -ForceUpdate
  10. Register-ADFSTkFTicksScheduledTask
  11. Enable-ADFSTkInstitutionConfiguration

Installation Procedure

Downloading the ADFS Toolkit uses Microsoft’s service as the official primary distribution channel of ADFS Toolkit as a PowerShell Module.  This allows us to rely on Microsoft’s approach to managing distribution and updated PowerShell Modules for the life cycle of ADFS Toolkit.
